(meet the choir): David, Thari and Esubalew


Last week we began introducing you to the children in the choir,
and we hope you enjoyed getting to know Feli, Keith and Seble a little better!
We now want to bring you three new members of our choir:
David, Thari, and Esubalew!

Each week, we will be highlighting three of the children on the tour.
We hope you enjoy these fun tidbits of information as much as we do!

Interviews with the children:

Meet David! 

David represents the children of Kenya
He is 7 years old
His favorite color is orange
He loves the verse – Philippians 4:4

1) How would you describe your home country?
My country, Kenya, is very beautiful. It isn’t cold like America.
2) What has surprised you about America?
All the cars on the road and the big airport!
3) In your Life Training Academy, what is it that you enjoy studying?
Is any subject a challenge?
Math has been my favorite in school. English is my most challenging.



Meet Thari! 

Thari represents the children of India
She is 12 years old
Her favorite color is red
She loves the verse – Psalm 23

1) What is your favorite new American food?
What food do you miss from your home country?

My new favorite food from America are hot dogs, hamburgers, and pizza!
The food I miss from India is smoked pork with mustard,
roast beef, and fried spiced potatoes.

2) What has been your most memorable moment on the tour so far?
I will never forget the first time I stayed in a families host home.
They made me feel at home and I felt happy.

3) Do you have a song that is special to you?
What is it, and why is it special?

The song ‘Not for a Moment’ is special to me.
After understanding what the lyrics meant, I have been moved and touched.
My heart has been changed by the song, and I love the melody.



Meet Esubalew! 

Esubalew represents the children of Ethiopia
He is 9 years old
His favorite color is blue
He loves the verse – Psalm 23:1
What has been your most memorable moment here in America so far?
My most memorable moment has been playing with snow!
2) What are you most excited about in the new year?
I’m most excited about being with my friends and singing songs with them.
3) If you could think of a way to describe yourself, what would it be?
I love to have fun and I love people!

Would you like to send a special note to 
David, Thari or Esubalew? 
They would love to hear from you! 
Please send all special notes to:

Stay Tuned Later This Week For Interviews With:





