International Children's Choir



The Call of Christ – Danita Estrella

Day 115: Tariku and Edwin sitting inside of a huge tractor in Kansas. One can only imagine the conversation these two little boys from Honduras and Ethiopia had sitting up in this large tractor.

Day 114: The children got to use their iPods for the first time today on the bus. Here is a glimpse of one of the children, Bereket, getting his iPod and putting his earphones on for the first time. Before we knew it there were 14 children listening to worship music, talking loudly to one another over their music, in excitement of their new little gadget. A few minutes after things had settled down and the children started to fall asleep, little Detcho belted out from the back of the bus “Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah…Your love makes me sing!” We all laughed together at such a sweet, pure moment!

Day 113: Tariku and Edwin out riding horses with their host home Auntie (Stafford, KS).

Day 112: Mahder and Gracia playing on the hay barrels in Stafford, KS.

Day 111: Jesus Loves You! Bulletin Board – Auntie Jill and the children of Calvary Baptist Church in Stafford, KS made a beautiful bulletin board to welcome the choir. The board had a personal picture of each child, a group choir picture and even a map of the world highlighting Ethiopia and Honduras.

Day 110: Happy 7th Birthday Bereket!

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“You can give without loving. But you cannot love without giving.”

— Amy Carmichael